The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)-Division of Condensed Matter Physics
페이지 정보
22-05-23 21:52 Webmaster views2,640회본문
we are pleased to announce the 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15), which will take place during August 19 -22, 2022, as an online event in Korea. The APPC15 is the triennial conference organized by the AAPPS, covering all areas of physics. The conference will highlight some of the most exciting developments in physics and provide ample networking opportunities for physicists in the Asia Pacific region.
The AAPPS-DCMP is co-organizing the APPC15 and has already invited many prominent researchers in condensed matter physics. Please visit the conference website for more information, registration, and abstract submission( You can find the list of the confirmed plenary and invited speakers on our division website(
We want to take this opportunity to invite you, your colleagues, and your group members to attend the APPC15. In particular, young researchers (doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars) are cordially invited for oral and poster presentations. Please do share the attached flyer with your friends and colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Je-Geun Park (SNU) Chair of the AAPPS-DCMP
Hiroyuki Nojiri (Tohoku University) Program Chair of the AAPPS-DCMP
Program Committee of AAPPS-DCMP for APPC15
- APPC15-DCMP.pdf (4.9M) 638회 다운로드 | DATE : 2022-05-23 22:03:40